Cremation: FAQs

When a beloved member of your family passes away, there are a number of decisions that must be made. One important decision that needs to be made is whether you want to pursue a cremation service or not. If this is something new to you, you will likely have a lot of questions about the topic. Your loved one may have specified whether he or she wanted to be cremated, but if he or she did not, then it may be up to you. Before you make a final decision, you need to be aware of the basics so that you can make a well-informed decision.

What Exactly Is Cremation?

Cremation is an alternative to the traditional burial. The process of cremation consists of converting an individual's remains to ash. The body is taken to a crematory and treated at a high temperature until it turns into ash, also known as cremains. These cremains are given to the family so that they can do with them as they wish.

What Is Done with the Ashes?

A loved one's ashes can be handled in many ways. Some people choose to store them in a decorative urn and display them on the mantel or in another area of the home. Ashes can also be buried in a casket in the cemetery. Some creative ideas to handle ashes is to have them pressed into jewelry, added to a coral reef, or used for planting a tree. They can also be scattered.

Can Ashes Be Scattered Anywhere?

When it comes to scattering ashes, there are rules that must be followed. Each state has its own rules regarding the scattering of ashes. Generally, a permit must be acquired to scatter ashes in certain areas. For instance, when it comes to a body of water, such as the ocean, you need to remain a certain distance away from the coaster. In addition, you will need to use an eco-friendly container. If you are uncertain, a funeral home director can point you in the right direction. In many cases, funeral homes will have cremation gardens where ashes can be scattered safely and legally.

Can a Memorial Service Still Be Arranged?

If you opt for cremation, it is still entirely possible to hold a funeral or memorial service. Cremation can be schedule after the funeral, or the urn can be on display at the funeral. In addition, if the ashes are going to be buried in a casket, a burial ceremony can still be held. A funeral home director can help you with the planning and organizing of the option of your choosing.

For more information, contact cremation services like Morris Nilsen Funeral Chapel.

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The Art of Saying Good Bye: Funeral Advice Funerals and death make many people uncomfortable, and asking questions about funerals can seem like a faux pas. You may find yourself wondering why bodies are embalmed, or what the advantages of cremation are — but where do you find answers? You can find them here. We are not afraid to talk about death and dying, and we seek to offer the information everyone needs to know when planning or attending a funeral. You're going to feel a deep sense of loss whenever you lose someone close to you, but being able to prepare for and attend their funeral with confidence will at least make things a little easier in your period of grief.

