Five Ways To Include Remote Loved Ones In A Funeral Service

In an ideal world, all of your loved ones would easily gather for a funeral. However, many people live far distances from their friends and family, making it difficult to travel for funerals on short notice. 2020, in particular, has been a difficult year for travel with international travel restrictions and many restrictions on local gatherings. This may mean that some people can't attend funeral services physically. But there are many ways to include people in remote funeral services. 

Include a Video Stream 

One of the easiest ways to include remote people in a funeral service is by setting up a live video stream. This can be done with a basic camera and tripod. However, if you want to allow people to say a few words, you may also want to hook up a television or computer monitor so guests can see them. The most important part of video streaming is ensuring a steady, strong internet connection. Make sure you have a good connection before offering this option. 

Record the Service 

If you don't have a good internet connection, you may want to record the service and send it to your loved one. While they will watch it at a different time, this allows them to watch when they are free and ensures there will be no interruptions. 

Set Up a Virtual Guestbook 

A virtual guestbook is an easy way for people around the world to share their memories of the deceased and express their condolences to their family. While there are specific options for online guestbooks, you can also use social media platforms to create a private memorial group for your loved one, which may be more convenient if most people you know use the same platform. 

Set Up a Memorial Website 

A step further than a virtual guestbook, a memorial site allows you to share photos and videos of the deceased as well as set up options for charitable contributions in the name of the deceased. 

Mail Memorabilia 

While virtual services can help people feel included, there is something to be said for physical contact. You may consider printing bookmarks or funeral programs with photos of the deceased to mail to people who cannot make it in person. 

The death of a loved one can make individuals feel alone, especially if they are unable to attend funeral services. Making the funeral accessible through virtual channels can be a way to make sure everyone has a support system in this difficult time.

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The Art of Saying Good Bye: Funeral Advice Funerals and death make many people uncomfortable, and asking questions about funerals can seem like a faux pas. You may find yourself wondering why bodies are embalmed, or what the advantages of cremation are — but where do you find answers? You can find them here. We are not afraid to talk about death and dying, and we seek to offer the information everyone needs to know when planning or attending a funeral. You're going to feel a deep sense of loss whenever you lose someone close to you, but being able to prepare for and attend their funeral with confidence will at least make things a little easier in your period of grief.

