4 Things That Happen During the Cremation Process

Cremation is one of the most popular services offered by funeral homes. Bodies that are cremated are turned into ash using very hot kilns. The ashes that remain are known as cremains, and they are a non-toxic substance that can be safely stored, scattered, or entombed. Many people choose cremation because it's an affordable and respectful way to honor the bodies of departed family members. Many people are unsure exactly what transpires during this process. Here are four things that happen during cremation:

1. The deceased person's identity is confirmed.

Before embalming or cremation happens, the deceased person's identity is confirmed. This can be accomplished through verification of a photo ID or a family member's input. The crematorium technicians will also ensure that all the appropriate paperwork has been filed, which shows that the proper permissions and licenses have been obtained for the cremation.

2. Jewelry and other valuables are recovered.

Most people are created in the clothes they died in. However, if you plan to dress your loved one in special clothing for a viewing ceremony, they will be cremated in their viewing outfit instead. Before cremation begins, jewelry and other valuables can be removed from the deceased person's body at their family's request. These valuables will be returned to you after the cremation is complete. During this time, medical devices such as pacemakers will also be removed from the deceased person's body for the health and safety of everyone involved in the process.

3. The body is placed in a cremation chamber.

Cremation takes place in a chamber that gets very hot. The deceased person's body is placed in a simple wooden box, which will also burn during the cremation process. Family members may have the option to start the cremation process with the push of a button if they would like to do so. Cremation can take several hours, during which time family members can return home. Family members will be notified once their loved ones' ashes are ready to be picked up.

4. Inorganic matter is removed from the cremains.

Once the body has gone through the cremation process, it will be mechanically processed. This reduces any large bone fragment into a fine ash, which can be stored in an urn or scattered. Inorganic matter is removed from cremains during this time. Any pieces of metal that were not burned during cremation will be removed using a magnet before the cremains are given to the family.

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The Art of Saying Good Bye: Funeral Advice Funerals and death make many people uncomfortable, and asking questions about funerals can seem like a faux pas. You may find yourself wondering why bodies are embalmed, or what the advantages of cremation are — but where do you find answers? You can find them here. We are not afraid to talk about death and dying, and we seek to offer the information everyone needs to know when planning or attending a funeral. You're going to feel a deep sense of loss whenever you lose someone close to you, but being able to prepare for and attend their funeral with confidence will at least make things a little easier in your period of grief.

