3 Tips for Planning an At-Home Funeral Service

While most funerals you've attended have likely taken place at a funeral home, at-home funeral services are also gaining in popularity. Many people are choosing to hold funerals for their loved ones at home because they are more intimate and personal, and can cost significantly less money as well. While an at-home funeral can be a great option, it's important to know what to expect. Here are three tips for planning an at-home funeral service:

Get Familiar with Local Laws

In most of the country, it is perfectly legal to arrange for an at-home funeral. There are, however, legal nuances that vary from state to state. For example, in some states, you can arrange the funeral yourself but need to have a funeral director create and sign the death certificate, or handle the actual burial or cremation of the body.

For this reason, it's important to look into the specific laws regarding at-home funerals in your state or city before you make concrete plans.

Decide If You Wish to Prepare Your Loved One's Body Yourself

One of the main benefits of having an at-home funeral is that you have the freedom to prepare your loved one's body for burial. Many people find this to be comforting because they can offer their deceased loved one the respect they deserve. It can also serve as a source of closure as you will get one last chance to interact with your loved one before they are buried or cremated.

If you decide you are not comfortable bathing and dressing your loved one before the at-home funeral, this is absolutely okay. Simply hire a local funeral home to handle this aspect of the preparations.

Create the Right Atmosphere

With an at-home funeral, you are in charge of the decorations and music. This is a great opportunity to choose details that honor your loved one's memory. For example, you can place your favorite framed photos of your loved one around the room where the ceremony is being held and arrange to have some of their favorite music playing.

Remember to also plan for refreshments after the funeral. Appetizers, drinks, and desserts are nice touches for your guests.

As you can see, there are some important things to keep in mind when planning an at-home funeral for your loved one. Simply follow the tips in this article and you will be off to a great start.  

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The Art of Saying Good Bye: Funeral Advice Funerals and death make many people uncomfortable, and asking questions about funerals can seem like a faux pas. You may find yourself wondering why bodies are embalmed, or what the advantages of cremation are — but where do you find answers? You can find them here. We are not afraid to talk about death and dying, and we seek to offer the information everyone needs to know when planning or attending a funeral. You're going to feel a deep sense of loss whenever you lose someone close to you, but being able to prepare for and attend their funeral with confidence will at least make things a little easier in your period of grief.

